The Speedrunner concept is based on the following key components:

The trolley Speedrunner® - SEE
The trolley is made up of two steel casters and a steel cast iron body in two parts, allowing the withdrawal of the cable for evacuations.

The cable bracket Speedrunner® - SEE
The cable bracket is easy to attach to trees or posts (via a nylon strap, steel or threaded rod).

Corner console - SEE
The corner console allows the alignment of two cable brackets, building fluid curves and, where necessary, strengthening the lifeline attachments.

The safety cable / lifeline
The safety cable is the lifeline! Only need to install the recommended safety cable with a diameter of 12 mm. The cable is easy to install and no specific tool is required.



Park Design & Safety
Thanks to our extensive experience in park design, construction & operation, as well as in safety solutions, we can provide you valuable advice on how to optimize and even increase the value of your park.

Park Maintenance & Upgrade
Our solution requires little maintenance. Parks with traditional safety systems can be easily upgraded with our solution.